Getting started with scheduling

Start by navigating to the "Scheduling" section with the left navigation bar.

On this screen, you will see the current schedule for the week by default. You can navigate to other weeks by using the week navigator. on the top right of the screen:

Let's click on the right arrow on the week navigator to look at the schedule for next week. You can now create shifts for individual teammates/employees for next week by clicking on any area within a day column. For example you want to create a shift for John Doe for Mon 22, click on the column of Monday 22 on John Doe's row and a Create Shift window will popup:

Select the start and end time, indicate if employee is current in training / on call basis and finally enter a comment (if any) and then click on the Save button.

Congratulations! You've just created the first shift for an employee. Repeat the steps above until you've filled up all the shifts that is required for the week. And when everything looks good to you, you can click on the Publish button on the top right of the page.

Once a schedule is published, the boxes turns blue to indicate they have been published and your teammates will be notified via SMS and email about their new work schedule.

There you have it, now that you have your first work schedule you can now copy this schedule to future weeks by navigating to the following week and clicking on the button with 3 dots next to the teammate's name and click on "Copy last week's schedule"

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Getting Started